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Ball Watches

At its core Ball watches are all about precision, and you’ll find plenty of that in its Engineer watch. Look closely at every BALL timepiece and you’ll see two boldly emblazoned... Read more

At its core Ball watches are all about precision, and you’ll find plenty of that in its Engineer watch.

Look closely at every BALL timepiece and you’ll see two boldly emblazoned letters: RR. Railroad. This enduring heritage stretches back more than 125 years to the age of powerful locomotives, burgeoning freedom and the obsession of Webb C. Ball, whose watchmaking expertise and high standards of precision revolutionized watchmaking and timekeeping forever. At his death, Webb C. Ball had contributed more than any other person in creating the performance and accuracy requirements for railroad watches. His work in crafting the most precise timepieces and instituting an inspection system was imperative and extraordinary. It not only improved railroad operations, it was an essential part of timekeeping’s foundation. With this heritage, BALL is continuing its role today as a key protagonist in the evolution of watchmaking history.

Don't forget to explore our collections of Ball Engineer III watches, Ball Hydrocarbon watches, Ball Trainmaster watches and more.

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